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Parents' Association (FORS)

Parents and guardians are a vital part of our vibrant Reed’s community. Our goal at Friends of Reed's School (FORS), our Parents' Association, is to bring us together to have fun, build friendships, feel a sense of belonging and raise funds along the way. FORS are a group of willing volunteers who put on events each term and meet monthly to make this happen. We are supported by our wonderful year group Parent Reps, known as Parent Link, who also organise year group coffees and socials throughout the year.

If you would like to get involved with an event, or on a more committed basis, we would love you to join us. All parents automatically become members of FORS when their child joins Reed’s School, with a one-off joining fee per family.


Our sell-out ‘Saturday Night Quiz Fever’ night is on 8th March from 7.30pm. Click on the image to add your name to the waiting list for tickets!

Quiz Night Flyer 2025 


We host at least one event each term, along the following lines:
Autumn: Welcome evening at the start of term & Christmas Fair in late November
Spring:  Our legendary Quiz night and our AGM
Summer:  Summer Social towards the end of the term


Please do come along to our events, and if you are interested in joining us, or want more information on becoming a Parent Link Year Group Rep email us here


The committee consists of approximately 25 parents across all year groups, and we meet monthly.

Our key elected roles for this year are:
Chair: Angelique Boomsma
Vice Chair: Fiona Jackson
Treasurer: Penny Coulthard
Secretary:  Sharon Hoskins

You can contact us at: fors@reeds.surrey.sch.uk


Once approved by the headmaster, funding requests are voted on by FORS. We aim to support departments and projects across the entire school, with some recent examples below.

FORS equipment update SQUARE


To help the FORS fundraising efforts in a really easy way, would you support us by joining Easyfundraising? With no cost to you and no catch, Easyfundraising turns your everyday online shopping into donations for FORS when you shop with over 8,000 retailers such as John Lewis, M & S, Sainsbury’s, ASOS and Booking.com.

We are delighted to have raised more than £15,000 so far and can do even more with your help.
Just click here to sign up. There is no catch!  If you have any questions please email us fors@reeds.surrey.sch.uk


You can read our latest newsletter to find out more here.


Do follow us on Instagram & Facebook, just click on the icons below:

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