Duke of Edinburgh

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award provides an enjoyable, challenging, and worthwhile programme of personal development for those in the Third Form (Year 9), Fourth Form (Year 10) and Sixth Form, who take on the Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards, respectively as one of their Service Afternoon options.

"You learn so much more about yourself and other people when you're put in a difficult mental and physical position."

Richard Fourie, Sixth Form Student

At Reed’s we offer three levels of programme which, when successfully completed, lead to a Bronze, Silver or Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. The main differences between them are the minimum length of time they take to complete, how challenging they are and the minimum age you can start. The programme is delivered by Reed's staff, many of whom are either qualified (or working towards) LEL or expedition leaders. Reed’s is now a Direct Licensed Centre – this means that we now manage our own expeditions, pupil’s activities and award ceremonies.  

Pupils are given the opportunity to enrol for the Bronze Award in the Third Form (Year 9) as part of their extra-curriculum service activities. Starting the Bronze Award in the Third Form allows pupils to complete as much of the award as possible before the pressures of GCSEs and helps them to better understand the importance of compassion for people and the wider environment. All pupils in the Third Form undertake a recognised, one-day First Aid Course learning vital lifesaving skills alongside understanding the responsibility that first aiders have when helping others. The values of the DofE Awards alongside those promoted by Reed's provide the opportunity for each participant in the DofE Award Programme to develop lifelong skills and become a well-rounded individual.  

There are various sections to complete and pupils must log a certain number of hours in each section in order to gain their award. The hours depend on which level of award is being worked towards.

  Bronze (14+) Silver (15+) Gold (16+)

Two sections for 3 months,
the other for 6 months

6 months 12 months
Physical One section for 6 months,
the other for 3 months
One section for 12 months,
the other for 6 months
Expedition 2 days, 1 night 3 days, 2 nights 4 days, 3 nights
Residential           n/a          n/a 5 days, 4 nights

Approximately 150 pupils at Reed's participate in the scheme via 'eDofE'. This is an interactive, online system that helps pupils manage their DofE programme and assists Leaders to monitor their progress. Pupils get a Welcome Pack, which contains a 'Keeping Track' booklet and information for each of their assessors. Pupils have until the age of 25 to complete any section – many complete their Gold Award whilst at university.

"The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award has helped countless young people on their sometimes difficult path to adulthood."

HRH The Duke of Edinburgh KG KT

Visit the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Website for Further Information

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